
                Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

February 16, 2025

Choosing Love in Impossible Choices

“And now these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13

As St. Valentine’s Day approaches, Love is the word of the week. I’m posting a meditation by Rev. Cameron Trimble from December 3, 2024, for a time such as this. Love and connection will help us to survive the chaos that has engulfed our country. 

Rev. Cameron writes,

Two friends were caught in a storm while hiking in the mountains. They came upon a fork in the trail as the wind howled and snow began to fall. One path led up the mountain but was exposed to the storm’s full force. The other path led down to a valley, where an icy river had flooded the trail. Neither choice was safe. They stood there, cold and scared, debating which way to go.

Finally, one friend said, “Let’s choose the path where we’ll stay together. No matter what happens, we won’t leave each other behind.” They chose the valley path, braving the icy river. They worked together, carefully crossing, encouraging one another, and finally reaching safety. The decision wasn’t without risk but made in Love—choosing connection and care over fear or isolation.

Life often places us at forks in the road where no option feels perfect. These moments of impossible choices test us. We weigh risks and outcomes, knowing that neither path will be easy. It’s tempting to get stuck in indecision, paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong. But Scripture reminds us that Love is the foundation of our decisions. “The greatest of these is love,” Paul writes because Love gives us the courage to move forward, trusting that God’s presence will sustain us.

Love doesn’t mean we will always make the “right” choice in human terms. It means we choose with intention, guided by compassion, care, and connection. It means we prioritize what will bring healing and wholeness, even if the path is difficult. As the hikers chose to stay together, Love calls us to prioritize relationships, to act for the good of others, and to trust that even imperfect decisions can be redeemed by grace.

If you’re facing an impossible choice, remember that Love doesn’t ask for perfection—Love asks for faithfulness. When you let Love guide you, you are already on holy ground. Take heart, knowing that Love, even in uncertainty, leads us closer to the Sacred and to one another.

We are in this together,


I’m including three reflection questions from Rev. Cameron.

  • Have you ever faced an impossible choice? How did you make your decision?
  • How might asking, “What would love have me do?” shift the way you approach difficult decisions?
  • What practices can help you stay grounded in Love when life feels overwhelming?

May love unite us and give us the courage to love one another like Jesus loves us.



Pastor Eric 


Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

February 2, 2025

Please, Don’t throw Me Over the Cliff!

Mob mentality, also known as herd mentality, refers to individuals’ tendency to adopt a group’s behaviors, emotions, and opinions, often leading to irrational or extreme actions. People in a crowd may feel less personal responsibility for their actions, making them more likely to engage in behaviors they might not consider on their own. This phenomenon can lead to impulsive, emotional, and sometimes violent reactions. 

In Sunday’s Gospel from Luke 4:21-30, mob mentality plays a significant role in how the people of Nazareth respond to Jesus. At first, the crowd in the synagogue reacts favorably when Jesus reads from Isaiah and declares that He fulfills the prophecy. However, their attitude quickly shifts when Jesus implies that God’s blessings and miracles are not limited to Israel but also extend to Gentiles. He references the stories of Elijah and Elisha, where God provided for non-Israelites. 

This enrages the crowd because it challenges their nationalistic and religious expectations. They had initially admired Jesus as one of their own, but when His message contradicted their assumptions, they turned against Him. In a display of mob mentality, the people—who had just been amazed by His words—become furious, drive Him out of town, and attempt to throw Him off a cliff.  

This passage illustrates how easily a group can shift from admiration to hostility when confronted with uncomfortable truths. Collective outrage heightened the people’s emotions, leading them to act irrationally and violently—actions they might not have taken individually. Jesus, however, remains calm and walks away, demonstrating His authority and control even in the face of mob aggression.

Come worship with us on Sunday at 10:30 AM and hear the Word of God preached to the mob. But please don’t try to throw me off a cliff if you don’t like what you hear!

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

January 26, 2025

Poor Little Toes

Our poor little toes. They don’t get enough credit for what they do and often are called ugly and smelly. But our toes are the most critical parts of our feet as they provide balance and support while walking. They enhance propulsion while we walk or run. While the big toe is said to be the most critical one and gets all the credit for the positive things that all our toes provide, our poor little toes can be misunderstood and forgotten.  

Losing any of the toes might not stop you from walking or running, but it can adversely affect your foot’s biomechanics and be psychologically distressing. It can be utterly painful if you get hurt or injure your little toe. All of our toes matter!

In Sunday’s Epistle reading from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a, Paul says that no matter the gifts we possess, we are one in the body of Christ. Regardless of our immigration status, nationality, sexual orientation, race, etc., we are one in the body of Christ. Each of us has distinct functions, and all work together for the common good.

The members of the body are interdependent, meaning that each individual’s well-being is linked to the well-being of others. The strong must care for the weak, and vice versa, fostering mutual respect and care within the Christian community. If we break a little toe, all the toes feel it, and all work together to help us walk. 

Each of our gifts or roles is essential and valuable to the mission of the church. No one gift is superior to another; instead, all are necessary and meant to complement one another, big and little toes

May your toes lead you along the way as you walk humbly with your God.  

Pastor Eric


Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

January 19, 2025

175 Gallons of Wine?

In the Mediterranean world of the late first century, the Dionysus cult was popular. According to the myth, Dionysus, the god of the grape harvest and the son of the high god Father Zeus, provided vast amounts of wine for his celebrative followers, who joined in ritual ecstasy. The Dionysian feast was celebrated on January 6, on which date some Christians came to read John 2. Although some interpreters resist seeing Dionysus behind the narrative of Cana, others view this explanation as the most likely impulse behind this Johannine messianic “sign,” which is so markedly different from the miracles of divine healing.

The jars contain about 175 gallons. The wedding occurs “on the third day,” a hidden reference to the resurrection, and on the seventh day in this gospel’s account of the new creation in Christ. For the fourth evangelist, Jesus Christ is the true son of the true God. Yet the glory of this God will come on the cross rather than in ritual ecstasy. Also, the fourth evangelist may be echoing the messianic poems by the Israelite prophets, in which plentiful wine will be served at the end of time.

Join us on Sunday at 10:30 AM and see Jesus as the good son who listens to his mother and miraculously turns bath water into 175 gallons of the best wine! Nothing but the best comes from Jesus!  

May Christ’s light fill your heart and guide your path all year.

Pastor Eric


Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

January 12, 2025

What Do You Remember About Your Baptism?

What do you remember about your baptism? This was the question our retreat leader asked us. Not many of us in attendance could answer the question except a few who were baptized as teens or young adults and could share their vivid memories of the event. Their stories were interesting, and I began thinking about my own baptism.

In preparation for the retreat, we had to bring our baptismal certificates. I didn’t have mine, but I viewed the church book containing all the congregation’s baptisms, funerals, and weddings. My name was listed with two other infants at the 11:00 AM worship service at Good Shepherd Lutheran, Plainview, NY, on November 22, 1960.

But this was the only information I had. I asked the family members who were still alive what they remembered, and my aunt, who was my Godmother, could not remember anything. I asked my mother, and her response was, “I don’t know, I wasn’t there.” Where were you, Mom? I asked. She said, “I was home cooking.”

I was shocked and could only laugh. Friends told me it was a cultural thing where the family stayed back to prepare the banquet. But it bothered me for some time that I didn’t have any details from my big day. I could only surmise that I was a well-behaved baby and didn’t cry.

But over time, I pondered how my baptism was not about what we ate, what I was dressed in, or if I cried. What I will remember are the words of life and promise. I was delivered from sin and death and raised to new life in Christ Jesus. God called me by name and claimed me as a child of God, sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.

I love the hymn, You Are Mine, “Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name. Come and follow me; I will bring you home. I love you, and you are mine.” 

Join us Sunday at 10:30 AM as we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord. We will affirm our baptism together and feel the love and glory of Jesus Christ wash over us. All are welcome!

May Christ’s light fill your heart and guide your path all year.

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

January 5, 2025

Hope in Action

I’ve often considered hope a noun, “an optimistic state of mind, based on expecting positive outcomes regarding events and circumstances in one’s life or the world.” (Wikipedia)

This week, I received a card from Sojourners, a Progressive Christian publication, stating, “Hope Is An Action Word.” Yes, hope can also be a verb that describes wishing or desiring something to happen in the future. It refers to a mental state or feeling of expectation and anticipation. For example: “I hope you have a great day!”

In Sunday’s Gospel lesson from John 1:1-18, we hear, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” The incarnation of God gives us hope that a better future is coming. Even after Advent, we continue to prepare and wait for Jesus’ coming in glory to bring us the Kingdom of Heaven. Hope is an optimistic state of mind, based on the expectation of positive outcomes and is a crucial way to deal with adversity and uncertainty.

Can we enter the new year with hope? Author Adrienne Maree Brown wrote, “The only recognizable feature of hope is action.” There are many ways we can put hope into action. One is to cultivate love and connection. Love can be measured by effort, intention, and the heart behind our actions. Love can change the world because it expresses care.

For me, faith, love, and hope follow each other. We can’t have hope unless we have faith and love. Earlier this week, our 39th President, Jimmy Carter, died. He often said, “My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can.” Jimmy Carter dedicated himself to serving others by modeling what it means to be faithful in word and deed. He built homes, dedicated himself to fighting inequality, and fought to eradicate disease and poverty worldwide. In her meditation, Rev. Cameron Trimble said, “In every season of his life, he carried the conviction that service is not just something we retire from–it is something we live into. Carter showed us that greatness is not measured by titles or accomplishments but by the love and care we extend to others.”

We can cultivate hope in our communities by serving with humility, acting with integrity, and caring for others with compassion. Hope calls for action, and action is impossible without hope.   

Please join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30AM in person or via Facebook Live; be transformed by God’s grace and forgiveness. All are welcome!

Christmas Blessings!

Pastor Eric 

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

December 22, 2024

Give Thanks to the Holy Child

During this most holy season, may you, like Mary, give birth to the Christ within you to reach out and be part of Christmas’ miracle and mystery. As you celebrate the nativity and welcome the Child into your hearts and lives, welcome every child into your Christian community. Be there for new parents. Help new parents sort out all their every day crazy thoughts and feelings associated with the crisis of childbirth. Offer them the hope of growing and developing as people and parents.

A little child led us to know ourselves and to be our best selves. That message is repeated powerfully with each new child on earth. Christmas invites us to thank our children for the life that God has so miraculously given us through them. Christmas invites us to thank the Holy Child, whose birth and life in love enable parents and children to become holy families. (The above two paragraphs are excerpts from Christmas and Childbirth: A Mother’s Reflections by Joan M. Haugk. Copyright © 1985, 2024 by Stephen Ministries St. Louis. Permission is granted to make copies to share with others.)

Please join us for worship on the fourth Sunday of Advent when we light the love candle on our Advent wreath. Worship and experience the love and joy of being a child of God at 10:30AM in person or via Facebook Live; be transformed by God’s grace and forgiveness. All are welcome!

Advent Love & Joy+

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

December 15, 2024

The Joy of Kindergarten

“Think what a better world it would be if the whole world had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down with their blankies for a nap. And it is still valid; no matter how old you are when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.” (Robert Fulghum)

Robert Fulghum wrote All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. The title comes from the first essay in the volume, in which Fulghum lists lessons usually learned in American kindergarten classrooms and explains how the world would be improved if adults adhered to the same basic rules as children, i.e., sharing, being kind to one another, cleaning up after themselves, and living “a balanced life” of work, play, and learning.

The book emphasizes basic life skills, such as sharing toys, saying “please” and “thank you;” cleaning up after yourself, and not hitting others. A central theme is treating others how you want to be treated, often called the “Golden Rule.” Fulghum encourages a positive outlook on life, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in simple things and being open to new experiences.

Think about how our world would be if the adults shared what they had,

were kind to each other, and did not hit each other. In Sunday’s Gospel from Luke, John the Baptist says what counts in life is to bear good fruits worthy of repentance. When the crowds ask him, “What shall we do?” John gives concrete ethical instructions on how to live a life that begins with changing what’s inside you.

How can we live a life that bears good fruits worthy of repentance? We only have to look back to our early school years and recall the lessons our teachers and parents taught us.

  1. Share everything.
  2. Play fair.
  3. Don’t hit people.
  4. Put things back where you found them.
  6. Don’t take things that aren’t yours.
  7. Say you’re SORRY when you HURT somebody.
  8. Wash your hands before you eat.
  9. Flush.
  10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
  11. Live a balanced life—learn some, drink some, draw some, paint some, sing and dance and play, and work some every day.
  12. Take a nap every afternoon.
  13. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.
  14. Be aware of wonder. Remember the tiny seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down, and the plant goes up, and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
  15. Goldfish, hamsters, white mice, and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup all die. So do we.
  16. And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned – the biggest word of all – LOOK.

(Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten)

Join us for worship at 10:30AM on the third Sunday of Advent, in person or via Facebook Live. We will light the Joy candle on our Advent wreath. Come and experience the joy of being transformed by God’s grace and forgiveness. All are welcome!

Advent Joy+

Pastor Eric 


Musings from the Pastor’s Desk

December 8th, 2024

Do You Need a Hug? 

There are days we need a hug. As the days get shorter and colder, many are prone to bouts of depression. The holidays are especially tough. While Advent is a season of hope and Christmas is a season of joy, not everyone feels hopeful or like celebrating. Grief, illness, aging, loneliness, and loss are magnified. Even those not struggling with losses may feel the stress of preparations and expectations around Christmas. 

If you are feeling blue, you might need a hug! Giving and receiving hugs during the holiday season is beneficial because hugs create meaningful emotional, physical, and social connections. This is especially important during a time that can evoke joy and stress. 

Here’s why hugs are so helpful. 

Hugs promote emotional well-being and can reduce loneliness. They reassure someone that they are loved and not alone. Hugs convey care and affection and spread holiday cheer. Hugs can relieve stress and anxiety by triggering the release of oxytocin, known as the love hormone, which reduces stress and increases feelings of calm and safety. 

Physical touch can help ease anxiety during the hectic holiday season by creating a sense of security. Research suggests that hugging can support the immune system by reducing stress levels. Hugs have been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health, promoting overall wellness. 

The next time you see someone sad, anxious, or stressed out, hug them. If you are feeling blue, ask someone to hug you. Whether you’re sharing a joyful hug at a reunion or offering a comforting embrace to someone in need, hugs embody the spirit of the holidays: Love, compassion, and unity. 

On Sunday, we will light the peace candle on our Advent wreath. Come to worship and experience the peace and love that God provides … and get a hug! 

We will worship together on Sunday at 10:30 AM in person or via Facebook Live. All are welcome! 

Advent Blessings+ 

Pastor Eric

November 24th 2024               

To Be A Blessing

This wonderful blessing from author Kate Bowler, taken from her new book of blessings, “The Lives We Actually Have,” can help us as we live our lives as Christians; told by the Prophet Micah, “Doing justice, Loving kindness, and Walking humbly with our God.”

In short, she says, “May you be blessed with the courage to love beyond the lines that divide, to see the beauty in your differences, and to find strength in the tapestry woven from your unique perspectives. When the world tries to pull you apart, may your love be the bridge that connects, reminding you that the most profound connections often bloom where the seeds of difference are shown.

Below is her blessing, which can be used as a meditation tool, prayer, or personal reflection. Be a blessing and share this with others.

A Blessing for Loving Someone When Differences Divide Us.

God, this is a hard one. How do I begin to love or even connect with someone so different from me?

How do I bridge this gap? It feels wrong as the beliefs I abhor.

Blessed are we who want to be a part of the wild and beautiful experiment to find a common humanity.

Who desires to come willingly into the gap that separates human from human to love the stranger, especially the one we really don’t understand and secretly want to set straight.

Blessed are we, willing to stay in the gap, in the contradictions of what we can’t understand.

To actively work on disproving our intuitions about another, in order to begin to see what they see.

Blessed are we, swimming upstream against the current of our own human frailty, our fears and emotions, and willing to be wrong for a second.

To reconsider. And hold to our integrity with kindness.

Desiring to see the lay of the land and play the course, instead of the one we wished it could be.

And to discover that humility is what makes change possible.

Grace is never neutral. It works backwards and forwards in time, conspiring to make wrong right.

May these words from Kate Bowler give you the courage to respect our differences and be repairers of the breach.

Join us for worship on Sunday at 10:30 AM in person or via Facebook Live. All are welcome!


Pastor Eric 

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk November 10, 2024

Sunday’s reading features other faithful and courageous women like Shiphrah and Phua, whom we heard from last week. Our reading from The Acts of the Apostles (16:11-15) features Lydia, an essential supporter of Paul’s missionary work.

Lydia’s encounter with Paul occurred in Philippi, where Paul had been directed to go by a vision. She was gathered with other women by a riverside when Paul and his companions preached there. The text notes that “the Lord opened her heart” to respond to Paul’s message, and she and her household were baptized.

Lydia was a prosperous merchant, dealing in purple cloth, a luxury item often associated with wealth and nobility, which suggests she was a woman of means and independence. Lydia is described as a “worshiper of God,” indicating she was likely a Gentile who respected and practiced some aspects of Judaism.

Lydia’s contributions to Paul’s travels were both spiritual and material. After her baptism, she invited Paul and his companions to stay in her home, offering them a place of hospitality and refuge. This support provided a base for Paul’s ministry in Philippi and established her household as one of the first Christian gatherings in Europe. Lydia’s hospitality set a precedent in the early Christian church for supporting missionaries and leaders, and her home became one of the first known house churches.

Lydia was considered a bridgebuilder because her hospitality fostered community and unity. Her ability to listen to God’s call was an act of faith, and Lydia’s hospitality demonstrated that our faith must be lived out through concrete actions.

After a difficult and divisive election season, Sunday’s message will focus on repairing the division between our friends, neighbors, and family. The division will no doubt continue, and as disciples of Jesus, we have an essential role to play in helping to repair it.

There are three questions I ask you to ponder:

  1. How can we be like Lydia in our interactions with others who are different and have differing political opinions?
  2. How can we cultivate a spirit of listening and responsiveness to God’s call to repair the breaches in our world?
  3. How can hospitality bring us together to look beyond our opinions and listen with respect while still speaking our truth?

These three critical questions will require courage and involve risking something that might feel uncomfortable. As disciples of Jesus, we have a role model to emulate and follow, and we call upon the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for All Saints Sunday, 2024
In the Lutheran tradition, All Saints’ Day, celebrated on the Sunday closest to November 1st, honors all past and present believers who have died in the faith and now rest in God’s presence. This includes prominent figures like apostles, martyrs, and ordinary Christians whose lives were marked by faith in Jesus. Lutherans view All Saints’ Day as a time to remember and thank those who have gone before, recognizing them as examples of faith and part of the “communion of saints,” referenced in the Apostles’ Creed. From a theological perspective, Lutherans emphasize that all believers are “saints” due to God’s grace through faith, not their works. Thus, the day is not about venerating saints as intermediaries but rather celebrating God’s work in the lives of all Christians. At Hope, we remember loved ones who passed away the previous year by reading their names and lighting a candle in their memory. While the candle’s light is eventually extinguished, our loved ones’ light continues to illuminate our paths in our faith, giving us hope that one day we will be reunited with them. Contact the church office office@hopeclinton.org to submit a name or tell Pastor Eric before worship.
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for Palm Sunday, 2024
The term “about face” brings to mind a military march, where soldiers are ordered to make an abrupt turn and head in the direction from whence they came. As we trek through the Lenten season, I imagine Christ’s pilgrimage to Jerusalem. I can see his feet kicking up dust as he walks, his loyal supporters marching alongside him as the crowds welcome him with joyous, celebratory splendor, almost like the St. Patrick’s Day parades that occupy most weekends in March.
Of course, we know that soon, the supporters will do an “about face” and abruptly turn as Jesus heads straight toward the cross of his crucifixion. This Sunday is the most paradoxical worship day in our Lenten journey. Lent discipline consistently reminds us to focus on self-reflection and repent. Repentance is a call to turn toward God, an abrupt “about face.” Yet, on Palm Sunday, our worship liturgy uncomfortably highlights the human nature to make a 180-degree turn away from God, not towards the Lord.
Our “about face” is evident in the dual-titled observance: Palm Sunday/Passion of Our Lord. We begin celebrating the triumphant entrance of Jesus into the Holy City of Jerusalem, only to tragically have our liturgy make an abrupt “about face” to the passion story of betrayal, abandonment, denial, and ultimate death of our Lord on Good Friday.
This Holy Week, join me in contemplation about this trek, about not only the “about face” of his journey but our own. This week, we may turn towards our Lord instead of away from him.
In the depth and darkness of this journey, we remember that Christ was resurrected. What I often take from this is the lesson that throughout the darkest times in our lives, when our friends and loved ones have made an “about face” and turned away from us, when luck and love and circumstances are not aligned with our most hopeful thoughts, we will come through our suffering to salvation.

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for March 10, 2024

Earlier this week, I watched a PBS program about the life of Harriet Tubman, a renewer of society the church commemorates this week. Harriet Tubman’s life was marked by extraordinary courage and faith. Born into slavery, she escaped to freedom and then risked her life numerous times to lead others to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Tubman credited her strength and guidance to her deep religious beliefs, often citing God’s hand in her missions.
Harriet’s quest to free her fellow slaves prompted her to experience many hardships while dealing with narcolepsy and other health issues due to a head injury she suffered at the hands of an enslaver. Her journeys on the underground railroad were wrought with danger, from the people looking to capture her to poisonous snakes and other creatures she encountered in swamps and rivers.
According to Tubman’s words and extensive documentation on her rescue missions, she rescued about 70 people—family and friends—during approximately 13 trips to Maryland. Tubman also instructed another 70 or so freedom seekers from the Eastern Shore who found their way to freedom on their own. Tubman returned only to Maryland to bring away loved ones—family and friends she could not live without and whom she could trust. It was too dangerous for her to go places where she did not know people or the landscape.
Harriet used various methods and paths to escape slavery and to go back and rescue others. She relied on trustworthy people, black and white, who hid her, told her which way to go, and told her who else she could trust. Harriet used disguises, walked, rode horses and wagons, sailed on boats, and rode on real trains. Harriet used certain songs to indicate danger or safety. She used letters written for her by someone else to trusted individuals like Jacob Jackson, and she used direct communication with people. Harriet followed rivers that snaked northward and used the stars and other natural phenomena to lead her north. She trusted her instincts and faith in God to guide and comfort her during difficult and unfamiliar territory and times.1 She proudly pointed out to Frederick Douglass in her journeys that she “never lost a single passenger.”
Sunday’s Gospel lesson includes John 3:16, a famous verse from the Bible that speaks about God’s love for humanity and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Harriet Tubman also exemplified sacrificial love and compassion by risking her life to lead enslaved people to freedom. Both Jesus and Harriet Tubman highlight themes of liberation, redemption, and selflessness, reflecting the values of empathy and freedom in Christianity and Tubman’s activism.
Harriet Tubman’s belief in God’s love for all people fueled her determination to fight against injustice and lead others to freedom, much like the sacrificial love of Jesus. Her life exemplifies the intersection of faith, resilience, and activism.
She died surrounded by loved ones on March 10, 1913, at approximately 91 years of age. Her last words from the Gospel of John were, “I go to prepare a place for you.”
We have a place for you on Sunday at 10:30 AM at Hope Lutheran Church, 6201 Coventry Way, Clinton, MD., or on Facebook live at Hopeclinton.
Dwell in the love of Jesus Christ with us and commemorate the life of Harriet Tubman.
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for March 3, 2024
I love idioms, and Sunday’s Gospel gives us a good one. To ‘lose it’ means going berserk, haywire, nuts, or off the deep end. When someone ‘loses it,’ they become extremely angry or upset. Growing up, how often have we heard, “Mom is going to lose it when she gets home and finds out that you broke her vase.”
In our Gospel from John, Jesus loses it. “He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.”
John 2:15 is a powerful verse about a powerful emotion: anger. Jesus made a whip out of cords, kicked over tables, and was probably yelling, probably feeling that uncomfortable ‘out of control’ feeling that we’ve all experienced when we’re furious. The cause might have been just, but to be honest, Jesus had lost it.
Jesus showed ‘righteous anger,’ an emotion God allows us to experience when injustice or wrong is done. Righteous anger will enable us to speak for the truth and stand up against evil. Jesus spoke out against the merchants who were turning God’s house of prayer into a marketplace. Merchants were ripping off those trading and purchasing items for their sacrifice by selling animals and exchanging currency at high rates, thus the “den of robbers” statement by Jesus.
Jesus is a great role model for us as he shows us human emotion and is willing to speak out against the systems that oppress others because they are different. Jesus was like one of us, only more brave. We can be brave and speak out for others being taken advantage of. We can lose it the Jesus way!

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for February 25, 2024

By George, it’s Washington’s Birthday! Our nation’s first president was born on February 22, 1732. We may have gotten a day off this past Monday to celebrate, but I cannot tell a lie. George probably blew out his candles on this day, not the third Monday of February. We celebrated President’s Day earlier this week to acknowledge George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, whose actual birthday was February 12. I hope this information doesn’t come as a surprise, wonder, or astonishment. Because, if it does, that’s the definition of the expletive “By George!”
“By George” has sometimes been thought to refer to our past president, but its usage goes further back and across the pond to England. Some historians claim it is an old-fashioned minced oath in which “George” is a substitute for “God.” Using another “G” word helps avoid the blasphemy of our Lord’s name, similarly to how today we say, “Oh my gosh!” or “Oh my goodness!” Others have claimed the phrase was shortened from “By (God and Saint) George” as an Old English motivating oath used immediately before charging into battle. Either origin still drops the harmful use of our Lord’s name.
You may say, “For Pete’s sake,” instead of “Who cares?”  Well, maybe Pete cares. But we may have to wait until we get to the pearly gates of heaven to ask him. I wonder if he is offended by the expression. You see, “For Christ’s sake” was substituted for Pete, a more personal-buddy reference to Jesus’ top disciple Saint Peter. I guess insulting Simon Peter is preferable to using the Lord’s name in vain.
You probably don’t know who came up with these phrases from Adam. Sorry, that’s another biblical reference. This idiom refers to the generic use of Adam, the first man named in Genesis. It means we wouldn’t know the person among any other stranger. But, one thing is sure: the users of these phrases were observant of the Third Commandment: not to misuse the Lord’s name.
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for February 18, 2024
I was a few years behind the Hippie/Flower Child movement, but loved some of the expressions I learned. Expressions like “Far out, man!” and “Groovy” were popularized during the 1960s counterculture movement in the United States. They reflect the language and ethos of the era, characterized by rebellion against traditional norms, experimentation with alternative lifestyles, and a general sense of freedom and openness.
Groovy dates back to the 1930s, when musicians were said to be focused while playing or when something was thought to be excellent, unusual, remarkable, or outside the norm, usually in a positive sense. Words that described anything hip, new, or fresh were “far out,” “outta sight,” or simply “out of this world.”
The word groovy seems to have gone out of style, but it will probably come back like almost any word. I’ve been introducing words like “Far out” and “Groovy” to my 2 ½ years old granddaughter. The other day, we were walking around a pond looking for ducks. Upon seeing one, I pointed it out to Ryleigh and said, “Look, a duck isn’t that groovy? Far out, man!” Ryleigh is learning cool new words from her Bestafar as she shouts, “Groovy!”
Pop star Phil Collins remade a song called “Groovy Kind of Love” that expresses feelings of deep affection and love. The song describes the overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment that love brings. The lyrics convey a sense of euphoria and gratitude for the love shared between two people, suggesting their love is special and unique. The song celebrates the joy and positivity that love brings into our lives.
Come to worship on Sunday and celebrate the unique and life-giving love Jesus has for us. Feel the sense of euphoria and gratitude that Jesus’ special love brings to us. Come and experience the groovy feelings during worship, and you might say, “Far out, Jesus, you are groovy!”
Join us live at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at Hopeclinton.org.
All are welcome!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for Ash Wednesday
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of our Lenten journey. It is a time to return to that from which we were made – earth and the breath of God. Jesus’ formation and ministry began in the dust. It started in the dust of wilderness and trial and wrestling with the demons that inhabit it.
God was and is present in the dry, dusty wilderness of our lives, and in our houses of worship. Jesus was not one to think better of himself to become us or a creature of the dust. Jesus lived on earth as an innocent infant, with the exploration of a child, and then as a man full of compassion for all people. Jesus’ divinity became fully human not from afar but from within dusty form.
From dust, you came, and to dust, you shall return. Jesus did not disdain dust. He grew up in the dust of a dry land. Jesus matured in the dusty wilderness and walked dusty roads to find his people. And at the end, Jesus washed the dust from the disciples’ feet. Jesus, teacher and Lord of all knelt at their feet and washed, served, and taught them the tasks of loving, but his actions alarmed and offended his followers into a new understanding of love and service. (Adapted from a mediation on dust, author unknown.)
We are but dust, and to dust we shall return. May Lent teach us the gift of dust – of humble service and to whom we belong. Amen.
We have two opportunities for you to receive Ashes and be marked with the sign of the cross.
  • Wednesday at 7:00 PM, where we will praise God for the forgiveness we have received.
  • Wednesday morning from 7:30-9:30, “Ashes to Go” are given in our driveway for those on the way to work.
 All are Welcome!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for February 11, 2024
Today, Friday, February 9th, is National Pizza Day. The origins of this day are not entirely clear, but it likely began as a marketing initiative by pizzerias and pizza chains to promote the beloved dish. Pizza has been a staple of American cuisine since Italian immigrants introduced it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Lombardi’s first pizzeria in the United States opened in New York City in 1905. Over the years, pizza’s popularity soared, leading to the establishment of countless pizzerias across the country. National Pizza Day is a fun way to celebrate and indulge in one of America’s favorite foods.
Debates about who makes the best pizza can get very emotional. Born and raised in NY, I’ve had the privilege to eat some of the best pizzas in the world. Yes, I am a pizza snob, and I’ve been to Lombardi’s in Manhattan (it was ok). Still, I have eaten great pizza from Parsippany, NJ (Bevilacqua’s), New Haven, Ct. (Modern Pizza), and Chicago (Giordano’s). But some of the best pizza I’ve had was from a local mom-and-pop pizzeria that you will find across New York on every other street corner or every shopping center.
How is a good pizza like attending worship on Sunday?
A good pizza and attending church both offer a sense of comfort, community, and tradition. They bring people together, create a sense of belonging, and often provide a moment of relaxation and enjoyment. Just as a well-made pizza satisfies the palate, attending church can nourish the soul and give a fulfilling spiritual experience. Both experiences can be profoundly satisfying and create lasting memories with loved ones.
Join us for worship on Sunday at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at HopeClinton and experience the peace, love, and forgiveness at our Lord’s supper. Have an extraordinary fat and calorie-free experience with your friends at Hope Lutheran church.
After worship, go to your local pizzeria and have a slice and a Coke!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for February 4, 2024
Recently, I received the sad news that a member from our church on Long Island had died. Bob Person was a lovely man with a kind and loving spirit. At our weekly bible studies, one individual always would bust Bob’s chops about his liberal leanings. Bob always handled the borderline ridicule he received with grace.
Bob’s passing reminded me of a time when God spoke to me. God speaks to us in many ways: through the Word, worship and song, creation, events in our lives, and through other people.
Our son’s illness caused him to have regular granmal seizures. After each episode, Ryan would lose a little more of his cognitive abilities. It would take days or weeks for Ryan to regain what he lost, often not regaining a portion of his abilities.
I was preparing for a five-day business trip and was anxious and fearful to leave Ryan, knowing he wasn’t himself. He became more muted in his actions and was more quiet. Ryan wasn’t his usual singing self. One Sunday morning, after worship, Bob approached Ryan and said, “Ryan, it’s so good to hear you sing.” I heard those words from Bob and realized Ryan is back to his happy singing self! My anxiety and fear about leaving on my trip vanished, knowing my boy was back!
God speaks to us in many ways and uses people like Bob Person, whose honest and caring words lifted me that day. God holds us in caring and loving hands, giving us the strength to face our fears and endure the events that overwhelm us. You never know how and when God comes and speaks to you.
In our turbulent times, our words matter. God uses us to provide wisdom, comfort, and grace to others like God used Bob. When has someone’s words or actions provided love and comfort to you? How have your words and actions impacted others? How can we use God’s Word to bring love into the world?
Hear God speak to you on Sunday at 10:30 AM or via Facebook. Listen to God’s comforting words that sustain us through all adversity. Have God speak through you by asking a friend to come to worship!
May God bless the life of my loving friend, Bob Person. Well done, good and faithful servant.
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for January 28, 2024
Who do you listen to? What are the voices that guide your actions and life?
Our teachers, parents, and family members can be some of those who we listen to and follow. Spiritual leaders like Pastors, Priests, Rabbis, and Imans are those we listen to for spiritual direction.
In Sunday’s Old Testament lesson from Deuteronomy, we hear, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command (Deut.18:18).” God raised many prophets like Moses, Jeremiah, and Isaiah to name a few.
A prophet teaches truth, interprets the Word of God, and calls the unrighteous to repentance. A prophet in biblical times spoke truth to power, calling out the people when their actions strayed away from following the will of God. Prophets sounded the alarm when sin was rampant and implored people to change their ways.
Modern prophets continue to testify of Jesus and preach God’s truth to the powers that be. They warn and advise people about important topics such as oppression, racism, homophobia, misogynism, greed, abuse of power, etc. Over the years, we have seen modern prophets like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela give voice to God’s Word and how we live in the kingdom of God. A couple of contemporary prophets I follow are author Jim Wallis and the poet Amanda Gorman, whose voices guide my life.
Some may be listening to the wrong voices, those who don’t reflect the Gospel and lead many people astray. We don’t have to try hard to find the false prophets today; we see them in various media outlets.
We can be upset when hearing the prophetic Word of God, but that may not be bad. The Word of God challenges and questions our thoughts and actions. Hearing our contemporary and prophets of old and being uncomfortable can be what we need. The Word of God is freeing and leads to repentance and turning ourselves back towards God and the life that is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for January  21, 2024

Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!
What is time? Well, it depends on how we define it.
The Greek word Chronos means chronological time and is what we are most familiar with. Chronos’ time is used to quantify, measure, or compare the duration of events. We utilize time to order and keep ourselves focused on activities and the schedule of events. We waste time and run out of time, and the best of us can maximize their time.
Less familiar is Kairos time, which signifies a good or proper time for action. In this sense, while Chronos is quantitative, Kairos has a qualitative, permanent nature. In Greek, Kairos time means God’s time. In the New Testament, Kairos means the appointed time in the purpose of God, the time when God acts. In Sunday’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus comes to Galilee proclaiming the good news of God and says in v. 15, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near, repent, and believe in the good news.”
It’s God’s time that is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. “Time” here refers to the time of God’s promised reign. Jesus is beginning his ministry in Galilee, telling the people to be ready for that time and the need to prepare for God’s reign by repenting their sins.
Today, we repent and are sent out into the world in Kairos time to witness the goodness of God in word and deed.
Join us for worship on Sunday live at 10:30 AM (Chronos time) or via Facebook. Be ready to hear the good news of the reign of God’s kingdom that has been fulfilled (Kairos time) in the ministry and life of Jesus Christ.
The Kairos has arrived, don’t be late!
All are welcome.

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for July 9, 2023

What Does God Look Like?
Close your eyes and picture God. What do you see? Do you see a big guy with a bushy white beard sitting on a throne in the clouds? We see God in many ways and it’s natural for us to try to picture God. Obviously, we’ve never seen God so our imaginations will create many different visions of God. God is beyond our comprehension.
But there are some things we can know about God that help us create a picture of who God is. Here are two descriptions that we get from scripture.
  • The Lord God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love.
  • The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.
  • The Lord is faithful and gracious.
But there are limits to what we can know about God, and the problem is that when we picture God, we have a tendency to make God look like us. Since Jesus walked on the earth we may have a different image of God based on the stories we have read in the bible.
We are made in the image of God, but we really want God to conform to our image. We really want God to care about the things we care about, and to work the way we work. It’s not just the way God looks, but the way God acts. In Sunday’s reading from Matthew, many of the people have rejected God’s work because they don’t recognize the way God is working. God’s work doesn’t meet their expectations.
We need God to do what we can’t. We need God to come and carry us out of the pit of our sinful lives and open our eyes to the many ways God works for others. In the week to come, can you see God working in unexpected ways and showing up in unexpected places? Can you see God working through unexpected people or through yourself? Can you see God working amid our joyous occasions and in the midst of our suffering and doubt?
May you be blessed with seeing how God works in the world, and created in God’s image, may we have the courage to care for others with love, compassion, and grace.    
May God’s blessings be upon you this week!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for July 2, 2023


Do you know the value of a smile?
It costs nothing but creates much.
It enriches those who receive without impoverishing those who give.
It happens in a flash, and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None are so rich they can get along without it, and none are so poor but are richer for its benefits.
It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in a business, and is the countersign of friends.
It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and nature’s best antidote for trouble.
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is no earthly good to anyone until it is given away.
And in the course of the day some of your friends should be too tired to give you a smile, why don’t you give them one of yours?
Nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!
  • Author unknown.
A smile is a simple gesture that communicates to others they are valued and welcomed. As followers of Jesus Christ, we emulate His love and compassion when we show hospitality, not only to fellow Christians but even more so to strangers and the less fortunate. We honor God when we are kind to the needy and treat outsiders like insiders, and they become a part of the family of God. As Jesus said in Luke 14:13, “When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed.” Hospitality begins with just a smile!
May God’s blessings be upon you this week!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for June 25, 2023
I Feel The Earth Move
I was eleven when I first heard Carole King and her song “I Feel The Earth Move” from her Tapestry album. Carole’s 1971 solo album, Tapestry, took her to the pinnacle. In a first for a female writer/artist, Tapestry spawned four GRAMMY Awards® — Record, Song, and Album Of The Year as well as Best Pop Vocal Performance, Female honors for Carole.
I feel the Earth move under my feetI feel the sky tumbling downI feel my heart start to trembling
Whenever you’re around
I felt the earth move slightly under my feet some years ago during a rare northeast earthquake and when I fell in love with Lisa, but I never felt a strong earthquake that devastated various places worldwide. I can only imagine the shock and fear when a strong earthquake hits. Some claim earthquakes occur as an act of God as divine punishment for the behavior and beliefs of the local people.
Only God knows if that may be true. Still, natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and volcanoes, have been deemed divine judgment by those seeking explanations for such terrifying and destructive events. Since antiquity, humans have debated whether the disasters occurred because the gods were angry and wanted to punish guilty humans.
Today, many theologians believe God is in charge of nature but does not decree natural disasters, only permitting them to happen. Yet, while there is no easy way to answer why disasters happen or suffering exists, Holy Scripture records many acts of divine judgment. Examples include Noah’s flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the plagues in Egypt.
Earthquakes in the Bible usually share three purposes: judgment, deliverance, and communication. The shaking tends to draw attention to the Creator’s power and presence. Mount Sinai shook as Moses received the Ten Commandments. The earth quaked at the death of Christ on the cross. A tremor moved away the stone of the Day of the Resurrection. Jesus prophesized the ground’s shifting as signs of the birth pangs of the end times.
As we ponder the meaning of Earthquakes, let’s focus on what moves us. How about rumbling into church this weekend to experience the shaking power of the Holy Spirit? Please join us this Sunday, June 25, for worship at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at HopeClinton as we explore the cost of discipleship.
If you missed worship, you can watch the service on our Facebook page, HopeClinton, or watch my sermon on our website, Hopeclinton.org. The sermon will be uploaded to our website by Tuesday.
Oh, darling, when you’re near me
And you tenderly call my name
I know that my emotions
Are something I just can’t tame
I’ve just got to have you baby
God’s Blessings!
Musings from the Pastor‘s Desk for June 18, 2023
Today We Celebrate Juneteenth and Commemorate the Emanuel Nine
Ironically, we celebrate and commemorate two events that happened 150 years apart, slavery and racism. Unfortunately, both are a part of the fabric of American history. Please read the entire message, as it contains a message of love, hope, and forgiveness.
Celebrate Juneteenth
Juneteenth is a commemoration of slavery ending in the United States. It originated in 1865 when, on June 19, the Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, carrying news that the Civil War was over and that enslaved people were now free. This was over two years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. But news of the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t reach or was ignored by many white slave owners, especially in places like Texas, where the Union forces didn’t have enough manpower to enforce the law. Celebrating the holiday on June 19 — that’s where the name comes from, the combining of “June” and “nineteenth” — was a way to keep community, remember the struggles of the past, and a way to celebrate actual “freedom for all.”
Commemorate the Emanuel Nine, martyrs, 2015
Adopted at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly on August 8, 2016.
On June 17, 2015, Clementa C. Pinckney, Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, DePayne Middleton-Doctor, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Lee Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, and Myra Thompson were murdered by a self-professed white supremacist while they were gathered for Bible study and prayer at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (often referred to as Mother Emanuel) in Charleston, South Carolina. Pastors Pinckney and Simmons were both graduates of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. A resolution to commemorate June 17 as a day of repentance for the martyrdom of the Emanuel Nine was adopted by the Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on August 8, 2019. Congregations of the ELCA are encouraged to reaffirm their commitment to repenting of the sins of racism and white supremacy which continue to plague this church, to venerate the martyrdom of the Emanuel Nine, and to mark this day of penitence with study and prayer.
We were all shocked by the evil that occurred on the evening of June 16, 2015. I want to share the statement from A.M.E. Bishops on the eve of the first anniversary of the shooting. I can never adequately describe what happened that night, so we read it in their words.
The following are excerpts from the statement.
June 17, 2015, is a day in which the nation and the world were shocked and traumatized as nine parishioners, including the pastor of Mother Emanuel AME Church, Charleston, South Carolina, were killed as they participated in Bible Study. They warmly welcomed a visitor, Dylann Roof, into their midst to study the Word of God. They did not suspect the visitor was actually a racist who justified his demonic act by declaring he was doing it because “you are taking over our country.” One year later (now 8 years later), the shock and trauma of this shooting still remain with the families who lost loved ones, leaving an aching void that time will never fill, with Mother Emanuel Church, with a nation that is reluctant to act or remains in denial about how pervasive racism is among us, and the world, which believed that the United States had put hatred and racism behind us.
The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church believes that this environment requires the church and the faith community to be at their best, and that means acting and asserting leadership. It should not be that those nine faithful believers at Mother Emanuel Church and countless others, black, white, brown, and others across the country, that have lost their lives or are discriminated against because of racism are in vain. They cry out for the nation to act, to confront and destroy racism. Our commemoration of the shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church must also be our commitment and determination to fight against this sinful, demonic, and evil that is racism. Our commitment and determination must be not to talk but to act.
This nation is indebted to the families of the Mother Emanuel Nine who, in loss and pain, did not exhibit hatred and anger but demonstrated God’s love and declared to Dylann Roof’s face, “We forgive you.” Their Christian response helped to calm the nation and deny what this racist hoped to achieve, a race war—glory to God for His presence within them.
The nation must act against the demonic and evil forces which would divide the nation even more and seek to turn back time. The commemoration of the tragedy at Mother Emanuel AME Church provides the nation with an opportunity for action and reconciliation. The families of the Mother Emanuel Nine call for the nation to reconcile. Reconciliation requires those who advocate and practice racism to cease and those who are discriminated against to be willing to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean we forget. It means I know what you did, but I won’t hold it against you. We cannot forgive without the help of God.
Let us continue to pray, believe, and act, hoping that in our lifetimes, we will become “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.”
 – Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Let us pray,
Grant us grace to contend fearlessly against evil and to make no peace with oppression. Help us, like those generations before us who resisted the sin of slavery and human bondage in any form or form of oppression. Help us to use our freedoms to bring justice among people and nations everywhere to the glory of your holy name through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Join us at Hope for worship on Sunday at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at HopeClinton as we explore how compassion leads to hope and that hope never disappoints. If you missed worship, you can watch the service on our Facebook page, HopeClinton, or watch my sermon on our website, Hopeclinton.org. The sermon will be uploaded to our website by Tuesday.

Peace and blessings!

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for June 4, 2023
The Unity of the Trinity
During the Reformation Movement in the 16th Century, the Evangelical leaders wanted to underscore their deep convictions that their efforts were not to break away from the Church but to uphold and recover the universal teaching of the Christian faith. Therefore, they included the ancient ecumenical creeds in their worship liturgies and doctrinal statements.
The earliest known Christian confession of faith was the “Old Roman Creed,” used as early as the Second Century. That creed evolved to become what we now call the “Apostles’ Creed.” Other similar confessions existed, but eventually, the Apostles’ Creed became the official statement of faith of the Roman Catholic Church when Innocent III was pope (1198–1216). The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches continue to use this creed for the sacrament of baptism. This confession is also part of ordinary worship liturgies.
The early churches had disunity in their theological views and understanding. Finally, in 325, Emporer Constantine called together disputing bishops at Nicea to formulate a unified response to the faith position. Influenced by Augustine’s trinitarian theology, the gathered bishops crafted a confessional statement emphasizing the equality of the three persons of the Trinity. As a result, the Council of Constantinople approved what we today call the “Nicene Creed.” This confession is generally used in liturgies during festive seasons of the Church, such as Christmas and Easter.
The least familiar of the three authoritative confessions of faith is the Athanasian Creed. Athanasius, a Christian theologian from Alexandria, Egypt, was a great defender of the Trinitarian view of God and an ardent opponent of the Arian heresies that Jesus Christ was not equal to God the Father. Bishop Athanasius participated in the Council of Constantinople, which resulted in the Nicene Creed. Though most believe Athanasius did not author the Athanasian Creed, it was named in his honor. This statement of faith originated sometime in the 5th Century in France and emphasized the Triune God. Today, it is seldom used in public worship, mainly due to its extensive length of 40 verses.
The Church celebrates Trinity Sunday this week on Sunday, June 4. We will roll out the Athanasian Creed for this commemoration as we confess our faith in the Triune God. We will also hear the command and promise made to the disciples by Jesus.
The command: “GO therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
And the Promise: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
We are commanded to go out into the world where the Triune God is already at work, where we participate in the holy dance of God’s mission, and where we will find our identities as Christians and find out what God is doing in the world and our lives.
Join us at Hope for worship on Sunday at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at HopeClinton as we celebrate the Triune God in our midst.
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for May 21, 2023
Ministry of Presence
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to share a meaningful way to minister to or care for someone anxious, depressed, or struggling with a challenging life situation or decision. We all can care for someone in a profound way, and it doesn’t take any special skills.
In my pastoral care career, I quickly learned the impact and the importance of the ministry of presence. Ministry of presence is to be the vehicle of God’s love when you enter the room of a dying patient, a prisoner’s cell, an employee’s cubicle, or sitting with a friend who is having difficulties in life. No matter where people are encountered, to be present with someone is to meet them where they are, physically or spiritually, and offer support. The best support is to listen without giving advice or trying to solve their problems.
Often, we are tempted to solve their issue, but we need to resist jumping in with advice. Your objective presence is best by listening and validating their feelings. It’s as simple as saying, “I hear the pain in your voice” or “You sound frustrated and hurt.” Nothing else needs to be said. The person will hear you reflect back on what they are feeling and will help them process their feelings. Most importantly, they will feel supported and not told how they should feel or what to do.
When we try to console someone who is struggling, our intentions are often well-meaning but ultimately useless. Suggestions like, “Just be happy!” or “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine!” may seem innocent enough, but to someone who feels like they are barely keeping their head above water, these seemingly “harmless” statements can often make them feel even more isolated, helpless, and alone.
So, for anyone in a position to offer support, there are some helpful phrases you can use. Remember, it’s not about fixing everything for the person you care about, but listening to them and reminding them they are not fighting this alone.
  1. “I’m listening.”
  2. “You can always talk to me.”
  3. “I’m here.”
  4. “You’re not alone.”
  5. “Your feelings are valid.”
  6. “You’re allowed to feel anxious, even if you don’t know why.”
  7. “I might not understand what you’re going through, but I’m always here for you to talk to me if you need to.”
  8. “You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone, including me.”
  9. “I’ll stay with you as long as you need me.”
  10. “It’s OK that you feel this way.”
  11. “You’re loved.”
–  by Kim Quindlen, a Thought Catalog contributor.
No matter what you are going through, know that God is always walking alongside you to comfort you during difficult times. You are not alone.
We are Hope Lutheran Church and will always be there for you. We welcome you to worship with us on Sunday, May 21, at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at HopeClinton. Come feel the comfort and love of our “mothering” God, who is always by our side during good and challenging times. God loves you and values you for who you are!
Be kind to yourself ?
Love yourself ?
You matter ?
Take care of yourself ?
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for May 7, 2023
Hello friends,
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. For the next few weeks, my weekly musings will be about mental health and the crisis our nation is facing. The crisis isn’t just affecting adults; it’s devastating young people and people from every background. Mental health is essential to our overall health and well-being.
What is the difference between mental illness and mental health? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), mental illness is “conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, or behavior.” These can include but aren’t limited to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.
Mental health reflects “our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.” Affecting “how we think, feel, and act,” mental health strongly impacts how we interact with others, handle problems, and make decisions (https://www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/mental-health-mental-illness).
Some key facts according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):
  • 1 in 5 adults experiences mental illness each year.
  • 1% of U.S. adults with mental illness also experienced a substance use disorder in 2020 (17 million individuals).
  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.
  • Lifetime prevalence of any Anxiety Disorder: 31.6%
  • Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in America.
  • Major depression is one of the most common mental illnesses.
  • Percent of U.S. Adults with Major Depression: 8.4%
  • Percent of Youth (aged 12-17) with Major Depression: 15.1%
  • Percent of Youth with Severe Depression: 10.6%
This year, Mental Health Awareness Month will amplify the message “More Than Enough.” According to National Alliance on Mental Illness, this campaign is a message of hope and inclusion. “All people, no matter where they are on their mental health journey, deserve support, resources, fulfillment, and a community that cares.”
Stigma often exists because of negative stereotypes or myths. For example, some people might believe that treatment does not help. However, mental health conditions such as anxiety are very treatable, but only 36% of people go to get help. Others believe that anxiety happens or that it is very uncommon. This, again, is untrue. Anxiety disorder is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S.; several factors, such as brain activity, genetics, and life events, cause it. https://www.dhd10.org/mental-health-awareness-month-may-2023/#:~:text=This%20year%2C%20Mental%20Health%20Awareness,%2C%20%E2%80%9CMore%20Than%20Enough.%E2%80%9D
We are worthy and lovable people created in the image of God, even though, at times, we may not think it. We all struggle with mental illness at some point, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Let’s encourage one another to treat our broken bodies with the love and respect we deserve.
“The entire world is so intense right now! It may be difficult to get out of bed some days to find a purpose, a light in the darkness, and hope in crazy times… what a challenge we have here! But if we stop and breathe, appreciate the good things (even small ones), and continue to reach out to one another, then I feel like we can do this! Hang in there, beautiful soul. I care about your well-being, and I know that many, many people in this world care deeply about the wellness of others…including you.” – a blog post from Mighty.com
Can you do me a favor? Please email me at pastoreric@hopeclinton.com and tell me three things that help improve your mood. Then, I will share your responses with the community to help each other live a healthier and more fulfilling life! All answers will be anonymous.
Our mental health is essential; speaking out and getting help is strong and not considered weak. Resources are available to help.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 1-800-273-8255
Veterans Crisis Line – Call 1-800-273-8255, press 1
National Alliance on Mental Illness Help Line – Call 1-800-950-6264 or Text 62640
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We are Hope Lutheran Church, and we welcome you to worship with us on Sunday, May 7, at 10:30 AM or via Facebook at HopeClinton. We love you and value you for who you are!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for April 23, 2023
Road trips. We all love them, don’t we? Artists write and record songs about the road, writers write poems about the road, and Hollywood makes movies about hitting the road. Hitting the road can be fun, exciting, and for some, a lifelong ambition to travel cross-country via Route 66.
Willie Nelson wrote the Grammy award-winning song “On The Road Again,” and it also earned an Academy Award nomination and a spot in the Grammy Hall of Fame. “On the Road Again” became Nelson’s 9th Country & Western No. 1 hit overall (6th as a solo recording act) in November 1980 and became one of Nelson’s most recognizable tunes (Wiki).
On the road again
Just can’t wait to get on the road again
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can’t wait to Get on the road again – 
written by Willie Nelson
Some road trips can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. In his poem The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost famously describes the challenges we face in our life journeys when presented with tough decisions. We know he took the road less traveled, and it made all the difference.
Born and raised on Long Island, NY, I’ve experienced physical and emotional trauma while commuting for years on the Long Island Expressway, aka the Long Island distress way, and the Cross-Bronx Expressway. Of course, we don’t describe a drive in New York based on the number of miles, but how many minutes or even hours! Road trips, we love them, and we hate them.
In Sunday’s Gospel reading, the two disciples are leaving Jerusalem on the road back home, probably pondering all they had witnessed in those last days, culminating in their confused astonishment at what the women had shared about their experience at the tomb early that morning. In their exhaustion, grief, and confusion, their vision was clouded, and they could not recognize the joy and wonder walking alongside them: this embodied promise confirmed what the women had seen earlier that day.
On the road to Emmaus, the risen Christ revealed himself to the disciples in scripture and the breaking of bread. The disciples realized their “hearts were burning within them as Jesus spoke to them and opened the scriptures to them – The Word – with Jesus’ life, suffering and death, and resurrection as the key to correctly understanding it. And Jesus made himself known to them in the breaking of bread. The disciple’s sorrow and confusion turned to joy as they were sent back onto the road to Jerusalem to tell the eleven disciples about their encounter with Jesus.
Come on the road to Hope Lutheran Church on Sunday at 10:30 AM or on Facebook live and experience the joy in the life-changing word of God and the breaking of bread at the communion table.

On the road again
Just can’t wait to get on the road again
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can’t wait to get on the road again

On the road again
Goin’ places that I’ve never been
Seein’ things that I may never see again
I can’t wait to get on the road again
  written by Willie Nelson

Your journey on the road ends at Hope Lutheran Church, where you will be greeted with open arms. All are welcome!

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for March 16, 2023                 

Resurrection Stories is a Life-changing Event
The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
In Sunday’s Gospel, his disciples still hide in the Upper Room a week after Jesus’ resurrection. If the resurrection is life-changing, why are they still stuck in the same place? What difference did the empty tomb make in their lives? How did it change the way they looked at the world?
We can ask ourselves the same question. What did the resurrection change for us? Do we see and engage the world in new ways? Are we better able to view the world with Jesus-colored glasses seeing the world and each other with compassion? What difference has the empty tomb made in our lives over the last week? My life looks the same, except I’m not as tired. But my life looks the same as the weeks before Easter. For some of you, your lives may differ due to a health issue, losing a loved one, or another circumstance, but I suspect for many of us, life is the same. We are stuck.
Christ’s resurrection is a life-changing event that makes a difference in our lives but takes time. Resurrection takes time. It is not a one-time event but a process we grow into. Resurrection is a way of living with each other, and God’s grace makes us evolve into resurrected people through our relationships and circumstances. We awoke on Easter Monday to the same life and world we had on Good Friday. It’s not because the resurrection failed; it takes time. Resurrection is like a movie that unfolds over time, slowly bringing events and people into our lives that can transform our lives.
This past week, I had the privilege to attend a dedication where I heard resurrection stories. The National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled honored the memory of Erica Vaughns, a member of Hope’s church family, who died in February. The NLS renamed its internship program, which Erica founded and directed, as The Erica C. Vaughns Aspiring Leaders Internship Program. Many of her colleagues told stories of how Erica inspired them in their work and career and was relentless and dedicated to supporting them. Erica had compassion and was always nurturing people to be better. As a result, her relationships with others were blessed. Yet, the stories we heard about Erica were resurrection stories. Her nurturing and caring transformed lives. While some of her colleagues might not have noticed, Erica was living a resurrection life by bringing the love of God, the light of Christ, to all, she met. As a result, her relationships with others were bathed in the light of Christ.
Our resurrection stories have different starting points based on our circumstances in life. Resurrection begins wherever Jesus enters your life. Even if we feel stuck, locked behind the doors of our homes, Jesus steps in through the locked doors and breathes peace and life into us. Jesus may enter your life through another person or a difficult circumstance but know Jesus breathes peace, hope, courage, and strength into us, a breath that unlocks the door.
Come hear the rest of the story Sunday, April 16, 2023, at 10:30 AM at Hope Lutheran Church, in Clinton MD. Or watch on Facebook live on the Hope Clinton page.
All are welcome!

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for March 12, 2023

Women’s History Month
Women’s History Month is an annual worldwide celebration held in March. The observation highlights the contributions and achievements of women throughout history and in contemporary society. It started as Women’s Day, which was celebrated on Feb. 28, 1909, by a group of Manhattan socialists and suffragists in honor of the one-year anniversary of the garment strike led by the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union.
The idea for Women’s History Month originated in the United States, where it was first observed as a week-long celebration in March of 1980 and later expanded into a month-long event in 1987. In recent years, the celebration has gained prominence. It is now recognized in many other countries as well, often with a focus on highlighting the remarkable achievements of women who have broken barriers and made significant contributions to their fields.
We can include female biblical characters too. The genealogy of Jesus, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, includes several women, including Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba (referred to as Uriah’s wife), and Mary. These women had imperfect pasts and played important roles in the family history of Jesus. Some scholars suggest that including women in the genealogy may have been a deliberate attempt to challenge the patriarchal cultural norms and values that traditionally marginalized women.
Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah, one of Jacob’s sons. After her husband died, she disguised herself as a prostitute to trick Judah into fulfilling his obligation to give her a son.
Rahab was a prostitute from Jericho who helped the Israelites conquer the city. She later became part of the line of David and, ultimately, Jesus.
Ruth was a Moabite woman who married an Israelite named Boaz. She is known for her loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and her faithfulness to God.
Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah, a soldier in King David’s army. David committed adultery with her and then had her husband killed.
Mary was the unmarried virgin mother of Jesus. She played a crucial role in the history of salvation by giving birth to the Savior of the world.
This Sunday, we meet another important woman in the life of Jesus. The woman is unnamed, but we call her the Samaritan woman at the well. The gospel message invites us to listen to how Jesus transforms her with living water and inspires her to spread the good news. 
Join us for worship on Sunday, March 12, at 10:30 AM or via live stream on our Facebook page HopeClinton or our website Hopeclinton.org.
All are welcome!
Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for March 5, 2023
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! On March 2, 1904, Theodor Seuss Geisel, the children’s author, and cartoonist better known by his pen name, Dr. Seuss, entered the world. To honor his birthday, a reading celebration, “Read Across America,” will occur nationwide in thousands of schools, libraries, and community centers. My favorite Dr. Seuss book was “Green Eggs and Ham.” I loved how the dialogue rhymed, and it was a bit silly! But it made me want to read.
Geisel was a master at inspiring children with dialogue as a literary technique. Dialogue, a conversation between two or more people in a narrative work, helps advance the plot, reveal a character’s thoughts or feelings, and show how the characters react in a moment. Dr. Seuss’ simple words and rhythmic patterns easily captivate young minds and bring them into the character discussions.
The genius use of this device to draw readers to the chit-chat between characters demonstrates the importance of conversation. An open one-on-one casual conversation between two characters creates space for thinking, empathy, and for the critical communication tools we need to live a successful life. Moreover, dialogue can genuinely change the world. Take, for example, “Horton Hears a Who!” In that book, the main character, an elephant named Horton, hears a tiny voice coming from a spec of dust, which he discovers is a small planet called Whoville. After dialoguing with the mayor of Whoville, Horton concludes, “a person’s a person no matter how small,” and Horton goes on with the adventures of trying to save Whoville from being incinerated.
In my favorite Seuss book, the dialogue occurs between a character named Sam I Am and another unnamed man who relentlessly tries to persuade him to change his mind. Finally, the ongoing conversation concludes with the success of opening one’s mind: “I do so like green eggs and ham!”
The backstory of “Green Eggs and Ham” also includes an example of the success of dialogue. The author’s publisher challenged Seuss to write a book that contained fewer words than his previous best seller, “Cat in the Hat,” which included 236 words. Seuss won the bet by writing this new masterpiece with only 50 words, and only one of the words has more than one syllable: anywhere. That dialogue resulted in his new book selling more than eight million copies worldwide.
As schools celebrate Dr. Seuss this month, remember the importance of dialogue. This Sunday’s Gospel message invites us to listen in on one of the essential dialogues recorded in Scripture, a conversation between Jesus and the pharisee Nicodemus. We will hear the discussion as we gather for worship on Sunday, March 5, at 10:30 AM or via; live stream on our Facebook page HopeClinton or our website Hopeclinton.org.
Will you join us? Would you? Could you? I promise I won’t ask you to eat green eggs and ham!

Musings from the Pastor’s Desk for February 26, 2023

Counting the Days in Lent
On Wednesday, the Western church celebrated Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40-day Lenten journey to Easter. That means today, Friday, we have 43 days before we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord on Easter morning.
How can that be? If there are 40 days in Lent and Wednesday began the countdown, we have 38 days to go, right? Wrong. Easter arrives 43 days from today. You may think this is new math, but it isn’t. I’ll explain.
The earliest Christian followers were faithful Jews who honored the Sabbath as the Day of the Lord. Based on the creation story in Genesis, the seventh day was celebrated as a day God rested. Therefore, it was considered a blessed and hallowed day. However, the early church leaders viewed the death and resurrection of Christ as a new creation and consequently transferred the Sabbath to Sunday, the first day of the week. As a result, the Lord’s resurrection is celebrated not just on Easter Sunday but every Sunday.
The Lenten fasting season of forty days is to reflect upon the forty days Jesus fasted in the wilderness before he began his earthly ministry. However, since the Christians declared Sunday a day of celebration of the Lord, they would not permit fasting or penitential acts on that day. Therefore, fasting could only be allowed six days a week before Easter. That provision added six Sundays in Lenten Season, pushing back the start of the forty-day countdown to what we now observe as Ash Wednesday. That’s why we have 45 days remaining in our 40-day Lenten journey!
Some people may look at this as the opportunity to break their fast every Sunday. So, if you want, chose to eat that piece of chocolate or have a piece of cake every Sunday before Easter you won’t break your fast! Of course, you will be breaking the spirit of what the fast means. “Darn Pastor, why did you have to say that?”
Join us for the First Sunday in Lent, the first time we pause the Lenten fast and penitential observances, this Sunday, February 26, as we celebrate the resurrection and affirm our baptism. Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 AM or via; live stream or on Facebook or our website Hopeclinton.org.
Musings from the Pastor‘s Desk for January 29, 2023
Delivering the Good News!

Wednesday, the church commemorated the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, a day we celebrate Saul’s sudden, dramatic change from the evil persecutor of the church to Paul, history’s greatest evangelist of Christ. In case you missed it, no worries. You can read all about it.
Among Paul’s many gifts, he was a master of follow-up. If you didn’t understand his message or weren’t there at the time, you would likely receive a note afterward. As proof, take a look at the Bible: the New Testament contains letters he wrote to the early churches he founded. Today, the day after we recognized his conversion, the church celebrates Timothy, Titus, and Silas, companions of Paul’s and presumably letter carriers. Among their duties, they were messengers.
Timothy accompanied Paul on his second missionary journey as his young apprentice learned to spread the Good News throughout the Mediterranean. He was Paul’s “frontman,” traveling ahead of him to prepare for his arrival. Timothy also circled back to places following Paul’s departure to verify the ministry’s mission. In doing so, he occasionally carried Paul’s letters, notably the First Letter to the Corinthians. In case you missed it, it talks about “love is patient, love is kind,” and a noisy gong and clanging cymbal. Titus, who seems to be Paul’s next deputy, was the bearer of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. That diddy of Paul tells the good people of Corinth, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Besides their duties as letter carriers, Timothy and Titus were apparently writers in their own right, having their names accredited to other letters in the New Testament canon.
Silas, the third Paul companion honored Wednesday, didn’t make it in the Bible as a bearer of his own book. Maybe that’s because we were never clear on his actual name. In the Acts of the Apostles, we know him as Silas, but in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, he is called Silvanus. So perhaps Paul was a more formal guy, referring to his pal by his Latin and Hellenistic name. Although it is unclear whether Silas/Silvanus served as Paul’s courier, Silvanus is credited with delivering Saint Peter’s first letter.
Today we celebrate these three couriers: Timothy, Titus, and Silas. Come to worship, Sunday at 10:30 AM to hear Jesus deliver the good news from the Sermon on the Mount.
Worship with us in person or on Facebook live. View the recorded worship anytime on our Facebook page HopeClinton or on our website www.hopeclinton.org
 Peace and blessings!