
Welcome to Hope!

Thanks for checking out Hope Lutheran Church where ministry is about being authentic and relevant while keeping our focus on serving God’s creation.

We welcome everyone. That means–every- single-person! We’re not looking to change anyone but rather offer a safe space to take off our masks and get real with one another and God. We are here to have soul conversations about things that really matter daily and where God exists in it all.

We’re experiencing God right here and calling others to do the same.

Upcoming Service This Week


-Community Announcements- 

Annual Coat Drive with North Clinton Citizen’s Association. We are collecting coats for both girls and boys, sizes 4-20. Coats must be new or gently used and clean. Monetary donations are also welcomed. The coat drive will be held at Hope, Saturday, December 14th, from 10:00am – 1:00pm. 

Pre-Session Town Hall – December 9th, 6:00 – 8:00pm, Creative Suitland Arts Center, 4719 Silver Hill rd., Suitland, MD. To register visit: tinyurl.com/D25townhall. 

Grief is natural, but we often struggle with questions such as “Why do I always feel sad? People tell me I should be done grieving, but I still am. Am I normal? I’m so angry! Why is God doing this to me?” These are natural questions and the feelings that go along with them.
GriefShare is a 13-week faith-based seminar and support group for people grieving the death of someone close to them. It’s a place to be around people who understand your feelings. You will learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future.
You are welcome to begin attending the group at any point. Each session is “self-contained,” so you can join anytime.
There is no cost to join.
At GriefShare, you’ll watch a weekly video with counsel, insights from respected grief experts, and relatable personal stories—followed by a time of sharing and support. You don’t have to share if you don’t want to.
Session topics include what’s normal in grief, how to handle difficult emotions, and what to do with regrets, questions, and worries.
There are two group opportunities: Afternoons, 2:00-3:30, and evenings, 7:00-8:30. Please join us at Hope Lutheran Church at 6201 Coventry Way in Clinton, one block west of Branch Ave.
For more information, contact Pastor Eric at 301-868-2678 (office), 631-704-8063 (cell), email pastoreric@hopeclinton.org or visit griefshare.org/groups/175512/registrations/new.


      • Calling all Singers and Inspiring Voices! – Joe Richter is requesting your participation in the Advent worship service on December 22nd and Christmas Eve. Let your voices be heard! If you are interested in participating, please contact Joe Richter via email: quasar@his.com.

      • Advent Coffee Hours – We will have Holiday refreshments during Coffee Hours on Sundays during Advent, beginning December 1st. Please sign the sheet in the Narthex if you would like to contribute Advent/Christmas Cookies or finger desserts. 

      • Restore Our Hope – Mid-week Advent Prayer Services will be held on Wednesday, December 4th, 11th, and 18th, at 7:00pm. 

      • Advent Bible Study – Join us Friday, December 6th, 13th, 20th, and Monday December 23rd, at 10:30am! As a discussion guide, we will be using – In Heaven and Earth: Advent and Incarnation, by Will Williams. If you would like to purchase a copy ($14), please see Pastor Eric. Kindle versions are available on Amazon for $9.99. 

      • Worship Meeting – Sunday, December 8th @ 12noon. 

      • Blue Christmas Service – Saturday, December 21st at 7:00pm. 

      • Christmas Eve Service – Tuesday, December 24th at 2:30pm. 

      • Winter Comfort for the Homeless – If you would like to donate a tent, sleeping bag or blanket for distribution to homeless individuals in the community, there is a sign-up sheet posted in the Narthex. 

      We are having the following events weekly:

      • Worship with Hope Lutheran at 10:30am

      • Fellowship breakfast every Friday at IHop on 8905 Woodyard Rd. Clinton, MD. Call Dan Williams for more information.                301-868-4857

      Please see Our Calendar for more details

      6201 Coventry Way
      Clinton, MD 20735

      Sunday Worship @ 10:30 AM

      Fellowship Hour @ 11:30 AM
